  • Eureka
    • Eureka
    • Infinity Games
    • 62 MB
    • Age 3+
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    • Puzzle
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    • No ads
    • Unlimited plays
  • For you exclusively

    With Mondia Games subscriptions, you get access to thousands of top games with no ads and no in-app purchases

If you think you are smart, think twice! Eureka is the right brain game to tell if you are a real genius! Featuring more than 50 mini-games to challenge your brain skills (logic, memory, creativity, speed, reflex, focus, etc.), Eureka is the addictive brain challenge your brain needs to go from dumb to genius. Are you up to the challenge? Eureka is full of brainteasers and fun mini-games that you can enjoy forever. Each brain game will be different from the previous, so you can enjoy original, creative and unique puzzles specifically designed to push your brain limits! GAME FEATURES: • Diverse gameplay to keep your brain activated for hours • Each level is a different brain game • Simple to learn and easy to understand • Fun yet challenging brain challenge • Improve your focus and brain skills with diverse mini-games Accept the brain challenge and prove you have a creative mind!




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